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Benny Morris

Benny Morris


Zionist ideology and movement, between 1882 and 1948, did not conform to any conventional model of a colonial enterprise.

Though a European-born and European-manned movement, it was not an agent of any European Empire seeking to take over and exploit its people and natural resources, a Third World country – it was an agent of an exiled people wishing to return to its ancient homeland (which lacked natural resources).

But, in common with imperial colonists, the European Jewish immigrants to Palestine had an Orientalist view of the native Arabs. Unlike European imperial colonists, some Zionists sought to expel (‘transfer’) Arabs or ‘the Arabs’ rather than exploit them.

There have been three periods – 1882−1947; 1948−1966; and 1967 till today.

And the Zionists, down to 1948, bought the land for their settlements from Arabs willing to sell – and did not conquer land or expropriate the owners, until 1948.

During 1882−1948 – the Zionists sought Great Power protection and alliances – and Britain, which governed Palestine 1917\18−1948, helped and protected the Zionist Enterprise, certainly down to 1938. Then Britain turned anti-Zionist and many Zionists 1944−1947 rebelled against British rule (Jewish mini-terrorist war).

1948−1967 – Israel’s Arab minority received citizenship and equality before the law – though down to 1966 – lived under military government. Since 1966, Israel’s Arab minority, 21% of Israel’s population – have full rights though in some respects are discriminated against. 

Post-1967 and the conquest of the West Bank, Gaza Strip and East Jerusalem (from Jordan and Egypt), Israel expropriated land and established settlements, and governed the Arab population in the territories with a military government. The Arab inhabitants lacked civil and political rights and citizenship. The Jewish settlers – now 500−700,000 – lived under Israeli law and courts, the Arabs under military law and emergency law and courts. Here and there were separate roads for Jews and Arabs (because of Arab terrorist attacks along roads). There was some exploitation of the local Arab labour force and economy. The Israeli regime in the West Bank and Gaza Strip (until Israel evacuation of the Strip in 2005) was akin to apartheid, but politically-militarily motivated, not racially motivated.